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Download your FREE Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Worksheets for your kids to start learning to read today: 


A Reading Program That Works And Parents Love→


As a parent, I’m pretty sure this directly affects YOU…

How parents can quickly enable their children to become amazing readers and spellers with less stress, less struggle, and without expensive tutors… and this is all done with a proven formula that we have been using to teach for over 10 years – enabling children of all ages to become fast and fluent readers.

Introducing ‘The Reading Head Start‘ – a learning system that can teach a tiny toddler to read, and it can also help older 6 to 9 year old struggling readers to quickly catch up to grade level…often taking only 8 to 10 weeks. This is all accomplished without forcing children to memorize sight words, and it does not require parents to have any teaching experience or specialized knowledge of phonics or sight words!

This teach using scientifically proven methods. These teaching methods enable children to read words they have never ever seen before.

​The proven process we use to teach children to become amazing readers and spellers is the unique combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness (PA) development.

Scientific studies have proven that – synthetic phonics and PA training accelerates reading and spelling skills of all children. Synthetic phonics and PA improves children’s word reading and reading comprehension.

This proven, research based reading program shows you how to easily help your child develop incredible reading and spelling skills following simple, effective, step-by-step lessons.

Get the children learning reading foundations program right here.

Here’s what Bonnie W. had to say about my program: I used this program on my 1st child and she is on at least a 4th grade reading level by the end of kindergarten as we did it when she was 3.5 My second, a boy, even with ADD he is reading at a 1st grade level at 4 years old now. Here’s what bought it to help a little 6 year old with difficulties. He progressed so quickly, that he was moved to a higher reading group within 4 weeks!


As Told By Mom Â© 2020-21