Discover 25 stunning Christmas decorations you can make in a day, including unique ideas like glittered pinecones!

Me, Myself and My Family
Me, Myself and My Family
Me, Myself and My Family
Discover 25 stunning Christmas decorations you can make in a day, including unique ideas like glittered pinecones!
Get ready to transform ordinary gifts into extraordinary works of art that capture the spirit of the season, making every unwrapping moment a memorable one.
Christmas Trees of different shapes, colors. Activities involve innovative matching, sorting, counting shapes, aphabets on the Christmas Theme.
With the holiday season soon upon us, its time to think about some fun crafts you can do with your children in preparation of Christmas. My kids love doing holiday crafts, and Im sure yours will too! It has always been challenging to find age-appropriate crafts that all of the children will enjoy making. My children each have a few years between them, so we have amassed quite a collection of crafts and craft ideas. Here are a few suggestions you can use. Consider it an early Christmas gift from me to you!
The ultimate list for Christmas decoration, to make your holidays memorable for years to come.
Winter Math Center. Penguin Shape Sorting Matching Activity Puzzle for toddlers, kids and preschoolers or homeschoolers. A nice way to relate Penguins and Shapes. A fun math activity which kids will LOVE. Winter Preschool Toddler Activity.
Winter Math Center. Snowman Shape Sorting Matching Activity Puzzle for toddlers, kids and preschoolers or homeschoolers. A nice way to relate Snowmans and Shapes. A fun math activity which kids will LOVE. Winter Preschool Toddler Activity.
Download this FREE Mirror Symmetry sheets of Snowflakes and appreciate the beauty in nature.
It’s a fact that every snowflake is unique.”Complete 5 Snowflakes” Instagram Challenge & don’t forget to tag us these @as_told_by_mom
Easy and simple Christmas Craft for kids and toddlers to make Foldable Surprise Card and gift to their friends and family on Christmas. The templates are in black & white and color along with step-by-step instructions.
An excellent craft for lil toddlers and kids who can enjoy making it, coloring it, decorating it.
An 18 page Tracing activity for young toddlers & preschoolers understand and enjoy the spirit …