Whether you are homeschooling parent or a preschool teacher I bet you and your kids will fall in love with these cute Groundhogs here.
Go ahead and check out the varied activities on the theme of Groundhog Day.

Me, Myself and My Family
Me, Myself and My Family
Me, Myself and My Family
Whether you are homeschooling parent or a preschool teacher I bet you and your kids will fall in love with these cute Groundhogs here.
Go ahead and check out the varied activities on the theme of Groundhog Day.
Ladybugs Shape Sorting Matching Activity Puzzle for toddlers, kids and preschoolers or homeschoolers. A nice way to relate Ladybugs and Shapes. A fun math activity which kids will LOVE.
Christmas Trees of different shapes, colors. Activities involve innovative matching, sorting, counting shapes, aphabets on the Christmas Theme.
Identify & learn about patterns, sizes the match the correct shadows n shapes with these …
How to teach kids to stay Healthy and Immune and beat the viruses around us. A board game can be this answer. A role play board game for Shopping for kids while learning about Vitamins, Minerlas and essential Nutrients.
Oh definitely, your kids are gonna enjoy this Paper Mache activity. It involves all the …
25 Earth Day activities for kids to do at home easily. Teaching how important is it to save our planet earth through these amazingly easy and free activities and printables.
A simple paper craft or creating a Duck Pond with some scarps of papers. An easy toddler craft. 5 little ducks.
Download here an Easter Tic Tac Toe for FREE. Play this Tic Tac Toe on the theme of Easter with Chick and Bunnies instead your 0s and Xs.
Math Numbers Surprise Eggs for Preschool, kindergarten and Pre-K kids on the theme of Eggs. A fun filled activity of DIY Surprise Eggs to Count, Read and Learn Numbers.