Thanksgiving way of teaching Addition.
This Turkey making activity is a fun Math Addition activity on Thanksgiving theme.
In this activity, kids add the numbers given on the both sides of the Turkey and place the cut out correct Answer Digit from last page of this file.
The best part in this activity is the Answers for the additions less than 10 are given with a Hint which will assist kids to do counting, addition and analysis on their own.
The additions given are starting from
0 + 1 to 9 + 9
are given along with
- Reusable Numbers
- Numbers without Hints
With this kids can see that
either 2+5 =7 or 5+2=7 gives the same result 7.

Note: Also some blank Turkeys are given at the end using which Teachers/Parents can write their own numbers according to the child’s comfort level.

Get my Printable from my TeachersPayTeachers Store here:
You can also check this our another interesting activity on Thanksgiving.
Counting and Building your own TURKEY.
Get the entire Thanksgiving BUNDLE at a huge DISCOUNT of last few days here.
Also don’t miss our LATEST – Make A Turkey – Ready to Go Activity. A very easy Turkey making activity for kids to learn numbers, number names and counting.
Hope you and your kids enjoy this activity and have great fun and great time.
Please do share your experiences with this DIY craft activity.
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