So, today I gave my little Trayaksh (a.k.a Coco) these colourful cutouts of different basic shapes I had from my last year’s kids math craft’s workshop and asked him what does he want to make out of them? He answered – “a Castle”.
Our Castle
So, here we are with our glittery Castle using all kinds of basic shapes.

Using basic shapes these are some fun activities which we can make our toddlers do and unleash their creativity.
Trust me you will be surprised to see what they can do and what their little super minds are capable of. I was taken aback when my son asked to put clouds with cotton and when he asked me to put glue lines on the tower of the castle for decoration.
…and some more Castles
Here are few other imaginations of kids for castles just using basic shapes.

Pictures Credit:
Castle 1, Castle 2, Castle 3,Castle 4,Castle 5,Castle 6
Want to create you own?
Now, I have created these free downloadable printables which you may find interesting to try your hand at. The different shapes to be cut out are given in all the printables along with the templates which the kids will have to build.
1 – Animals with Shapes
You can go ahead and make some real cute animals with your little one.

The Animals with Shapes free printable can be downloaded here.
Fish Printable
A step-by-step instruction for Fish alone with Cut and Paste Shapes is available at this page.
Mouse Printable
A step-by-step instruction for Mouse alone with Cut and Paste Shapes is available at this page.
Complete Shapes Craft/Puzzles/Unit
The complete set of nearly 400 pages of Farm animals, Wild animals, vehicles, birds, bigs with Shapes – Templates, shape cutouts, clues and other puzzle activities of sorting, matching and analyzing shapes, identifying and matching, Tangram Puzzles, all year round seasonal themes activities and puzzles and many many more activities with schedule are available here.
21 Animals SHAPES Crafts
Get all the animals Shapes Crafts with Activity Preparation Guide at this one place and save your time. Fantastic Craft for kids to play with and at the same time learning more and more about Shapes and flexing their Creative muscles of the brain.
Click here or the Download button to get this fantastic collection of
- NO Preparation
- Cut and Paste
Animals Shape Art. Along with a Bonus of the FROG as seen above.

FARM Animals SHAPES Crafts
If you are interested in FARM Animals, you would not miss this Collection of Building Farm Animals with nothing but just SHAPES.
A full collection of Build-your-own Farm Animals, Baryard Cow, Pig, Chick, Duck Horse, Loyal Dog, Mischievous Cat, Rat/Mouse.
- No Preparation
- Cut and Paste
Animals Shapes Art.

Interested in more…
This is a NO PREP activity. Everything needed is bundled for you. All you would need is a pair or Scissors.
Build your own animals with ease and confidence while LEARNING and USING the basic Shapes.
A Fun and Creative way because - Children loves animals and Children loves Shapes
Go ahead and build this adorable Monkey.
Or you might to try this Quack Quack Duck.
Or a Moo Moo COW.
Here's a cute Penguin waiting to be your friend.
Or why don't your build your own cute little bear and hug him away.
A BuZZy BUzZy BEE...right your way..
Have you ever thought of making a Horse out of just few shapes.
Why not make this cute little chick with Shapes.
You can make your own beautiful butterflies here.
With just simple shapes you can make this SHEEP.
Or you can go for this fantastic little Mouse.
Just with few Pink circles, one can this easy little pig.
Just with few Gray Circles, Pink Triangles, build your own Cat.
A simple FISH Craft with Simplest of SHAPES.
No Preparation Dog Shapes Craft.
Make these beautiful Parrots with just circles and Semi-circles. Template's here.
An easy and simple Cut and Paste Owl Craft for kids.
Transport Vehicles with Shapes
Or you can try to build some transport vehicles.

The FREE Version of Vehicles with Shapes printable pdf file is available here.
Or you can buy the Complete set of Full Size Vehicles with Shapes by clicking the button below.
Rocket with Shapes
Or how about an exciting Rocket using simple shapes.

The free printable Rocket with Shapes can be downloaded here.
Or you can buy the Complete set of Full Size Vehicles with Shapes by clicking the button below.

Download Printables – Shape Craft Animals
I have created these “Cut and Paste Shape Craft of more than 15 Animals” printables which will help kids to learn, recognise and analyse different colours and shapes while building their analytical and problem solving abilities.
If you are a parent of a child of age 2-14 , worrying about his/her reading habits, you must watch this video.
And why should you get these?
B’coz they will help our kids to:
- Learn colours
- Learn all basic shapes
- Learn about animals
- Enhance their thinking capacity
- Enhance their creativity
- Build their cognitive skills
- Enhance their problem solving skills.
- And above all children LOVE Cut and Paste activities.
All The Best
So go ahead and have fun with your little one.